Khelo India National Fitness Program

The Khelo India Fitness App was launched by Prime Minister of India Sh Narendra Modi on 27th Feb 2019, with the objective of giving Physical Fitness Report Card to all School going children across India.


To give Physical Fitness Assessment Card to all School-going and Out-of-School children, and to identify potential Sports Talent from across India. Khelo India National Fitness Program will be the biggest grassroots Sports and Fitness program in the world.

Khelo India Fitness App

The KHELO INDIA MOBILE APP was launched Under the KHELO INDIA Physical Fitness vertical, to enable the general public to get information on three important aspects: HOW TO PLAY: Basic rules of a game, WHERE TO PLAY: An exhaustive list of available playfields across India and GET FIT: Mapping the fitness parameters of the school-going children, through a battery of tests, to identify probable champions. The Khelo India Mobile App aims to use technology to create a sporting culture in the country, as also to identify sporting talent.

It’s a frst-of-its-kind of initiative by the Government for the youth of India and helps drive the stated agenda of the Government of India to drive active participation by schools, parents for a fitter and active India. This mobile App is designed to empowerr parents and teachers across the country, to assess the ftness level of their wards using the latest available technology. The App allows parents and teachers to conduct tests which measure fexibility, endurance, core strength, hand-eye-coordination and stamina of a child. The test results can help to identify a sport that a child is most suited to play.

The fitness app will also give us a unique opportunity to develop the National fitness Index (NFI), for the very first time ever, for the children of this country. We have no such mechanism or currency existing as of now. The available fitness data will also help map and identify the potential sports talent and can further be used to map and recommend sports disciplines for shortlisted children.

Are you an Assessor?

(School PET/Sport Coach)
Khelo India (school version) mobile app is exclusively developed for schools to assess the fitness level of their students.

Register. Take Tests.
Auto-Synchronise when Online

Choose from Khelo India battery of Tests for Class I-III (5-8 Years) and Class IV-XII (9-18+ Years)

Take Test (Online/Offline mode)
Timer starts with Fox 40 Whistle

Track Status, Share Reports

Are you a Parent?

Khelo India App helps you to get information about various games (HOW TO PLAY – ‘LEARN’), available sporting facilities (WHERE TO PLAY – ‘PLAY’) and fitness assessment of your children (‘GET FIT’).

 Learn about Sports Rules

 Find Playfields

 Take Fitness Test of your Children

 View Dashboard, View Report, Recommendation and History

Are you a School Principal/HM?

Log into the Interface as the Principal/HM of the School. You are authorised to manage the school related information, create terms (camps), assign school coordinators for the fitness assessment tests. The most important thing to do is to add students data to school.

Register your School

Upload and Manage Student Data

Link Assessors (PET/Coach) to School

Track School Performance, Class, Student Reports

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